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Frequently Asked Questions

Skier Questions

How should ski boots fit?
Many people think that layering up or wearing thick socks inside of their boots will keep their feet warmer. FALSE. Ski boots are already insulated and should only have one pair of thin ski socks inside for optimal use and to best fit your foot. When identifying “if the shoe fits,” when you stand up straight your toes should hit the edge of the boot and almost feel crammed. Then, when you bend your knee forward (like you will be in skier stance), your toes should pull back and the boot should be comfortable (well… as comfortable as ski boots get).

How do I care for/store my ski boots?
The plastic on ski boots is very sensitive. If left outside or in a cold car, it will be very difficult to get them on because the plastic will be too stiff. When drying them out or warming them up, don’t place them by a hot fire. The plastic will expand and morph the shape of the boot. Boot warmers are best, or if you don’t have those, just keep them at room temperature.

What size of ski do I need?
When determining the size of your ski, it’s really user preference. Typically for beginners, we say you want the height of the ski to be between your chin and your nose. More advanced skiers can handle a longer ski and will most often know what they like to ride.

How do you fit the boot to the ski?
Fitting the boot to the binding (or the din setting) is determined by three things: weight, height, and skier type (beginner, intermediate, advanced). The skis are then adjusted by the millimeter sizing of the boot and the skier’s din setting. This is to ensure that your ski boot will come out if you crash and that it will stay in while you are shredding the gnar.

How tall should my poles be?
When choosing a pole that will work for you, turn the pole upside down and grab right under the basket of the pole (the little rubber stopper a couple inches from the bottom). Your arm should make a 90-degree angle.

Do my kids need poles?
We don’t recommend poles for youth skiers. They don’t need them; they get in the way of learning, and you will end up hauling them around all day (you can thank us later).

Do I need a helmet for skiing?
Five years ago, you would have been made fun of for thinking you needed a helmet while skiing. Today, it is rare to see people without them. While you may be a cautious skier, you never know when someone might come flying into you out of control. When fitting your head for a helmet, the brim should sit two fingers above your eyebrow. It should be snug but comfortable — not too much wiggle room.

Snowboard Questions

Am I regular or goofy footed?
Which foot do you ride forward? A good test is standing straight with your feet even. Have a friend push you off balance and whichever foot you put out first is typically your forward foot.

Goofy means that you ride with your right foot in front. Regular means you use your left foot forward.

What size of snowboard do I need?
Trying to determine which size board to get? Stand a board on its tail; the nose of the board should reach somewhere between your nose and chin.